For the last 33 years it has been an honor and joy to facilitate Align Body Core and Light Dynamics workshops in different cities and countries.
A common question my students have is this: “How did you know the the best sequences to engage the whole body in realigning itself?
The truth is that it took more than a decade. My continued research flowed though many holistic modalities, noticing the body’s kinetic responses for lasting results. Ultimately; the compilation the 5 Pillars of health was created.
This revealed the life changing wellness synergy of what can happen when people choose, ‘Align Body Core with Light Dynamics’
Investment: Daily 20-30 minutes. Empowers full core alignment. Result; Lighter body / clearer mind /greater endurance / faster healing /
youthful appearance /greater mobility /diminished pain / happier / better digestion-elimination / TO BE CONTINUED